How to Navigate Your Training Post-Program

Well done, you have just completed a Move With Us Program! You are amazing!
We are so proud of what you have accomplished, we know that none of our Programs are easy and you have worked so hard to get to this point! Don’t underestimate the intensity you’ve just put your body through, following a consistent training Program for the past 4-8 weeks is a serious commitment.
Coming to the end of a Program, you might be on a roll, feeling energised and are keen to push on for a few more weeks, or perhaps your body might be asking for a well-deserved break. It’s so important to check in with how your body and mind is feeling right now to ensure you don’t run yourself down.
First things first, let’s make a plan! After training hard over the last 4-8 weeks, we recommend taking at least a few rest days before jumping into another Program or Challenge.
Here’s what your plan could look like:
- After my Program has wrapped up, I’m going to take 2 days off training completely. This will allow my body to rest and recover.
- I am going to begin a 2 week deload phase where I will continue training but lower the intensity.
- After my deload phase, I plan to join the next Program and begin following a structured Program again.
However, there are several ways you can approach your training between Programs or Challenges - let us guide you through what they could look like.
Please note: we are here to guide you, but we don’t know your body as well as you do, so please consider how you are feeling, what your goals are and listen to your body!
Take A Break
If you’ve been training consistently for months or have completed 2-3 Programs back-to-back with little to no rest in between, it might be time for a deload phase.
During a deload phase, which typically lasts for 1-2 weeks, you are required to take things easier in your workouts, which could mean any of the following adjustments, or a combination of:
- Decrease the weight lifted to about 50-70% of your usual load. If you're used to lifting 80kgs for a particular exercise, you might reduce it to 40-60 kgs
- Reducing the volume, with less sets, or less exercises incorporated into your workouts
- Exercising less frequently (e.g. dropping to 3-4 training days and dedicating the remainder of the week to active rest)
- Or if you're feeling tired and unmotivated to train, you might like to use this time to mentally recharge and get your mo-jo back by taking inspo from our On-Demand Classes which offer a variety of Pilates, Yoga, Express Workouts and more
Incorporating deload periods into your training is extremely important to give your body an opportunity to rest, repair and rejuvenate. The ultimate goal here is maintenance and recovery, not setting new PBs or pushing to the max.
Signs You Need a Deload
- Persistent fatigue
- Decreased performance
- Increased irritability or mood swings
- Joint or muscle pain
- Lack of motivation to train
Taking a break is absolutely fine and will not set you back in terms of results. Instead, upon returning to your next training phase, you'll likely feel more motivated and energetic, meaning better performance and amplified results.
Continue Training
If you know you don’t need to rest and would like to continue training to achieve maximum results, here’s what you can do.At the end of your recent Program, you would’ve received an email from our team with steps on helping you find your next Program based on your goals and feedback. We encourage you to go find that email to see what Program we think is best for you to do next.
Alternatively, you can take our 60 second Program Quiz now for your personalised Program recommendation!
Rest and recovery
Please don’t feel guilty for taking a break or additional days off after your Program. We promise you won’t sabotage your progress by taking a much needed break, and you’ll likely feel more energetic and motivated after giving your body an opportunity to reset.
“No pain - no gain” is just a fitness myth. It's more like “no recovery time - no gain”, actually.
Overall, there are no set rules on how frequently to take breaks or how much time off to take, so listen to your body and don’t ignore the tell-tale signs of fatigue and burnout.
Signs of needing a break include
- Reduced motivation, which might look like dreading going to the gym
- Decreased performance and energy in your workouts
- Frequent muscle soreness and long lasting injuries
- Irritability, high stress levels, or mood swings
- Unusual tiredness and fatigue that can’t be explained by medical reasons
- Low immunity levels (e.g. frequent colds and other minor illnesses)
- Reaching a stubborn plateau despite staying consistent with your regime
As always, remember to have fun with your training, listen to your body, and don’t overdo it.
If you have more questions or would like additional guidance please reach out to our friendly team here, and we would be more than happy to help you! Congratulations again for completing your Program or Challenge!
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