What You Can Achieve with Move With Us

What You Can Achieve with Move With Us

Whether you're looking to achieve a full body transformation, create a new lifestyle, or simply take on a challenge, we are here to show you what you're truly capable of achieving. Over the last 6 years, we have seen over 200,000+ transformations from our amazing Move With Us Community. Consider this your sign that you can do it too! 🩷

Checkout some of our amazing transformations from our past clients who have achieved some amazing results from our Programs. 

These transformations are being shared in hopes to inspire and motivate you on your own journey, and to celebrate our incredible community for all their hard work.

Please never compare your progress or the time in which it's been achieved to that of anyone else. Remember that your health and fitness journey is uniquely yours, so always keep the focus on your own goals and outcomes.

Leanne - Hybrid Program

Our Amazing Community Member Leanne has just completed her first ever half marathon! Leanne is a Mum of 6, works full time and has a busy non-stop schedule, she shares how the Hybrid Program has helped her achieve such amazing results:

Annabelle’s Hybrid Training Program has been nothing short of transformative for my strength and fitness journey. Combining a mixture of strength training, full body conditioning and running routines, this program has pushed my limits and delivered exceptional results. The structured strength and conditioning workouts have significantly enhanced my muscle tone and endurance, while the specialized running sessions have improved my speed and stamina beyond what I thought possible.

I started this style of training with the intention to run my first half marathon. I have always been a runner but never really ventured beyond 10-12km, more often running 6-8km twice a week. My pace was generally around 5 mins 50 secs per km. Since embarking on my hybrid training journey, I have completed the programme twice over and never missed a session. I also included two extra runs during the week to get my weekly km’s up.

To my own amazement, I completed the half marathon with a time of 1 hour 44 minutes and 43 seconds (a pace of 4 mins 58 secs per km). This has to be one of my biggest personal achievements and for once in my life I feel extremely proud of myself. 

The journey has not been easy, but all the reward has far outweighed the hard work… My days begin at 5am which is when I work out and then I continue on with my working day. This is why I love the all the MWU programmes because all I have to do is show up and complete the workout. All the planning has been done but the results come from my consistency and making each workout count.

Whether you're new to running or strength workouts but are looking to build a solid fitness foundation, or a regular runner aiming to reach new heights, I can't recommend this hybrid training program enough. I have completed several of the MWU programmes and this is by far my favourite. I love the mixture of training styles, it’s fun, it’s challenging and with this type of training I have definitely had the best results!

We are so proud of you Leanne for such an amazing achievement!

Therese - Busy Girl Workouts

Therese has had an inspiring transformation from Busy Girl Workouts, she has completed the 6 week program even when she was staying in a Hotel without a gym! She did all 4 workouts a week in her apartment with water bottles as dumbbells on her yoga mat, and still got sweaty! She has shared the following words of encouragement with us,

“My journey has just begun but I have learned 3 really important things already:

  • Surround Yourself with the Right People. The Move With Us Community gives you that little extra push every single day. Accept all the help you can get and watch it bring out the best in you.
  • Don’t Expect Success without Putting in Effort. You will learn something new every day, and changes take time. Staying consistent is the key.
  • Stop Waiting for the Perfect Moment. It will never come. Start today, push yourself and you will thank yourself later.”

Emily - Build a Booty Program

Emily has completed the Build a Booty Program 3 times, and has seen some amazing results over the 16 week period! 

“My goal for this year was to grow my glutes and to build strength to help manage lower back pain. I started the Build-a-Booty Program in May, and absolutely loved it! I completed this program three times, continuing on with the program at the gym consistently. MWU has been the first program where I've ever seen results like this! I can’t see myself ever not using MWU to reach and maintain my fitness goals!”

What amazing results, Emily! We couldn’t be more proud of everything you have achieved so far 🩷

Eyalinda - Strong Program

Eyalinda has completed the Level 4 of Coach Rachel’s Strong Program, and what amazing results has she achieved!! Eyalinda shares with us her Move With Us experience, 

“The strength and energy I have developed for the past 8 weeks have made me the happiest. This Program has taught me a lot. It has taught me commitment and consistency. It has taught me dedication and determination. It has taught me self-discipline and balance. It has taught me not to feel guilty for taking an extra break when needed. It has taught me not to beat myself up too much if I fall off the wagon and binge now and then, as long as I get back up and show up the next day. But most importantly, it has taught me how capable I truly am, that my body can stand almost anything and it is my mind I have to convince. 

I am so proud of all the hard work and dedication I’ve put into this challenge, showing up every single day and pushing those last few reps even though it burns so much. Honestly, I feel like a new person. I have seen massive improvements to both my physical and mental performance — greater energy levels, elevated mood, increased self-confidence and productivity. It has helped me establish a strong mindset and sustainable habits that I can carry into my daily life moving forwards. This is the fittest, strongest and healthiest I have ever been. I will forever be grateful for this. Thank you, Rachel and the MWU community!

Results don’t happen overnight. Stay consistent, be patient and trust the process.”

Congratulations Eyalinda on your amazing results, we can’t wait to see everything else you achieve with MWU in the future!

Tia’s Journey to Muscle Gain

Ladies, this is your reminder that lifting weights will not make you 'bulky'. Tia’s Move With Us Journey is proof that you can lift weights and feel strong while also wanting to create a feminine shape. Tia shares,

Move With Us isn't just about weight loss or gaining muscle, it's about learning to nourish yourself with the right foods, embracing your body and trusting the process. Through this journey, I've learned to love and respect my body, appreciating its strength and capabilities.”

Are you ready to kickstart your Fitness Journey?

At Move With Us, your fitness journey will go far beyond what you achieve in just 6 weeks. You will be provided with all the tools you need to succeed and help you build positive new habits to create an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle. 

So what are you waiting for?

Join our Platinum Membership today (for as little as $0.68 a day) to gain access to 10+ Fitness Programs and Levels, Meal Guides tailored to your goals, recipe library of 1,500+ nutritious recipes curated by dieticians and so much more.